Saturday 19 July 2008

Friday 18th July 2008

Felt a bit rough today as I really need to go to the loo, but can't get on the toilet to go!! Nan and Grandad came to see me today and brought me some craft things to do. I was a bit grumpy as I had loads of Oramorph (morphine) for the pain in my leg and some Piriton to help with my itching that I've got from the Oramorph!!! All this medicine makes me sleepy! This afternoon the physio got me on to a commode to try and go to the loo but it didn't work! At least I got up off the bed today - it hurt alot!
Later on, I got back on the commode and I did go to the loo - yippee!! I then felt much better and wanted to eat loads - I hadn't eaten since Monday night! Its horrible keep talking about poo and weewee, but thats all the nurses seem to do in hopsital - I wish they would just leave me alone!
Everyone in the ward here has gone home tonight, except me, a boy called Joseph and another little girl. Its really quiet,and mum got to sleep in the bed next to me last night - she was more comfortable but still kept snoring as usual!


grandad said...


Uncle Mike said...

Hi Sarah, glad to hear that you're recovering well, looking forward to seeing you on Monday, is there anything that you knee-d us to get you?

Auntie Janice said...

Stop snoring Zoe!!!

grandad said...

Hi Sarah,I'm glad you managed BIG jobs while we were up with you but glad we managed to get out of the room first . I'm not sure if you'll ever get this as I mucked up the first one,but at our age we keep trying .keep trying to get out of bed and you might be home on Thursday! Love you lots Nan and Grandad xxxxx

Sarahwinterpuppy said...

Hi Grandad, I stood up yesterday and today and have been in and out of bed loads!!!