Friday 27 June 2008

Thursday 26th June 2008

Hopefully my last day on hydration - I'm fed up and still feeling sick. It always makes me feel worse being attached to the stupid drip stand and having to go to the loo all the time. The doctors saw me this morning and said I have too much fluid inside me and have given me a tablet to go the loo EVEN MORE!! AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!
I went to the play room at 10.30 and made a boat with plasticine people in it. There was an artist in today to help with the crafty things. She comes in every 2 weeks.
This afternoon I went to school on T12, and there was a lady there from the Wellcome Trust who showed us how to make secret keepsake books (they look like books, but when you open them up, there is a secret compartment to keep secret things in!). I started mine, and I am going to finish it tomorrow afternoon before I go home.
Uncle Bob was in my room when I got back, so I showed him all the things I made in hospital.
At 5.30pm, Jenny the nurse came in and unhooked me!! Yippee. My methotrexate level was 0.19 so I was clear. Then the ward sister told mum and me that we would have to go back to T11, and get out of our nice room with a telly! We packed up our stuff and then went to visit my friend Rose who is having her operation on Monday. (Poor Rose might have to have her leg amputated, so she is very scared). We tried to cheer her up, and told her we would be in hospital for her second week, so we would be together again for a little while before we come back to UCH.Got back to T11 at 10pm, and went to sleep!

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