Friday 27 June 2008

Friday 27th June 2008

Mum had to wake me up at 8 o'clock this morning because I was supposed to have a GFR test at 9am. But instead I went for an MRI scan. You lie on a bed and go inside a big machine which is really noisy. They took a few pictures of my leg, and I had to lie really still.
I came back to the ward and Loucas put a canular in my arm for my GFR test. It really hurt, even though I had special cream on. It didn't last long though, and its over now. I just have to wait for my blood tests every hour for 4 hours!!
I had a pain in my ribs today and the doctor thinks I might either have pulled a muscle in my ribs, or have a slight chest infection, so I have also been for a chest x-ray. It was really quick and I'm back now.They will have to give me antibiotics if its a chest infection, and I might not be able to go home-lets hope its not!
The teacher came to my room just now and did some maths - BORING!!!! I'm just about to play Crazy Bugs with mum now she's gone!

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