Thursday, 23 October 2008

Thursday 23rd October 2008

We went for a hearing test yesterday morning, and it turns out the poisonous chemo has damaged Sarah's inner ear and she might benefit from hearing aides!! She doesn't mind much, and I can't see her wearing them much, but we have made an appointment to have some fitted, and we'll see how much she can hear with them in!! Maybe she'll be able to listen to me then, instead of ignoring me........
Got let out for the afternoon yesterday as nothing was happening until today, so we went on a jolly to Madame Tussauds with mum and dad. Had a really great time - as a wheelchair user, Sarah and I got in free!!! The staff were all really helpful, and took us up all the different levels in a special lift, and gave us lots of help in finding where things were - mum lost her camera, and they even found that too!!Very impressed and the waxworks were good too!
This morning we had physio - and its official - PHYSIO CAN BE FUN!!!! Julie, Sarahs new physio, is great - she had Sarah, Leanne and Humera playing football on the ward!! And doing a bit of aerobics with their bad legs - great fun, and Sarah even said she wants to do more physio - completely unknown comment from a girl who HATES physio with a vengeance!!
After play, chemo went up, Sarah had a footmassage from the aromatherapy lady, and then she's gone to school - she feels a bit sick as usual, but hopefully, the distraction of school, and the other kids on the ward will stop it being too bad. She's still managing to eat sausage rolls for lunch, so it can't be all that bad..........
We also had a dermatologist look at her skin this morning, to see if they can sort out her itchy spots on her arms - they are going to prescribe some cream, and some oil for the bath to soften her dry skin too. It should all get better once treatment has finished - WHICH ISN'T LONG NOW!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a lovely couple of days!
I'm loving the photos from your outing, and am even more loving the photos of you kicking that ball - well done you!
You're doing so well at the moment - keep up honey; not long now!!
I'm coming to see you on Saturday lunchtime, so you can show me what exciting things you ca do now!
Love you all, Jo xX