Sunday, 26 October 2008

Sunday 26th October 2008

Its a miracle!! Sarah cleared her methotrexate in 48 hours AGAIN!!!!! Managed to get home for X-Factor and have 2 lovely nights in our own bed! Today we had a lie in (and enjoyed the extra hour we got because the clocks went back!!) and then went to the cinema to see High School Musical 3. Had a lovely time with sarahs friend Georgia, and followed it with lunch in Burger King.
Going back in to UCH tomorrow morning in hospital transport (aaaahhhh!!!!) for an appointment with Dr maria, her consultant, then chemo at lunch time. Although, I hate to say it but she has a bit of a temperature tonight! I've put the fan on,opened the windows, and told her not to cover herself too much with the duvet - at least make it until morning, when we're going in to hospital anyway! UCH is way better than our local.............Fingers crossed!


Rose said...

Hello girls love the pix!!! Hope you made it back to UCH without a trip to local Rose was admitted to Kings yesterday with a bit of a temp and huge lethargy couldn't wake her bit worrying but think mainly dehydration (she refuses to drink!) and after 24 hours on fluids she has woken up perky and we are off in transport to the Marsden today for chemo thank goodness! Hope you get thru this week fine and off to the hockey - the new physio sounds fantastic. It is all down to the personality of the physio I am convinced as our community one is such fun and is the only one that can get Rose to do anything at all! Loads of love to all and good luck to Katie in the hockey keep blogging love your news xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It's me - Ruth! said...

Good stuff guys - love the pics!

Ruth & Becca x

P.S. I got out of seeing HSM3 ... ;-)