Friday, 17 October 2008

Friday 17th October 2008

Doctors phoned at 5.15pm Wednesday to ask us to come in Wednesday night for chemo Thursday, despite a staff nurse telling us we wouldn't be going in because there was no room. This caused us no end of problems, as Katie was home from school for hockey training, and we had to get her back, Dave's mum was being kept in hospital overnight because she was feeling unwell after having her catheter removed, and Dave had loads of things to do!! We managed to get Laura to take Dave's mums things to the hospital, and take Katie back to school, and Dave dropped us off in UCH at 8pm.It was full up, no spare beds, and all girls!!! The doctors are going to gain us 24 hours a week, so we can still go to Cannock. We go home Sunday this week, then back Tuesday until Saturday, then back Monday for 48 hours, as long as Sarah stays well.
Chemo was OK yesterday, and Sarah felt fine until around 6 o'clock - she then developed a tummy ache and felt really sick. At about 8pm she was sick and that seemed to make her feel better, and after a few early trips to the loo, she slept quite well. She seems really tired today, and she's had a reflexolgy foot and hand massage, and is sleeping soundly as I type this. I think all the coughing/physio/chemo has caught up with her, so I hope she stays asleep as long as she needs to. Not really looking forward to the weekend in here, but hey - X-Factors on, and we can get a pizza and coke and have a girly night in front of the telly!!!


Anonymous said...

What a palarva!!!! (is that how it's spelt?!)
By the sound of it next Sunday would be best for me to come and visit, at your house? Let me know if that's ok.
Looking forward to seeing you all, love Jo xX

Rose said...

Hello girls oh dear sounds interesting your end! At least you got it in the end - hope they manage to timetable it to suit the hockey fixtures all these other things are so important...crap beyond crap our end another week in Stanmore off to a promising start before Rose decided to inadvertently practise ice skating on a wet bathroom floor, one slipped crutch and we are back on our bottom for the foreseeable future! Sounds quite funny put like that but have been head in hands since about gotta laugh or you would cry a river! Hope the weekend not too dull - I am reminiscing about many an 11th floor weekend just me, Rose and Bethan! Very dull but sure yours will be lots more fun - stay well honey all our love Charlotte and Rose xxxxxxxxxxxx