Thursday, 10 July 2008

Thursday 10th July 2008

Last day in hospital today before my operation! Went up to the playroom upstairs and got loads of stuff to do - I did mosaic tile coasters - I made one with a K on it for my sister, and I did some braiding. This afternoon I went to school and did mental maths and then made a secret book again like I did 2 weeks ago, but I finished it this time!!! I was quite hungry today and I had a cheeseburger happy meal for lunch, plus a munch bunch yoghurt, and some quavers. I drank loads of milk and had tomato soup too ! Katie came to see me today and we played games while we waited for my blood results. At 5.30pm the nurse told me I was clear and could go home - she disconnected me from my drip and I was free!! I like that bit!! I have put some pictures of the type of knee I am going to have on my blog! It looks like Robocop!!! The big spike at the bottom will go in to the bottom of my shin bone to hold it in place, and the spike at the top will go in to the bone in my thigh to hold it all together. The big silver bit is the knee!! It won't ever break, and it will be really strong!! Its really heavy too - heavier than a metal hammer!! I thought it was too heavy for me, but it is made the same weight as the bone they will take out!!
I am going to school tomorrow for the last ever day at junior school - I am really sad, but I will take loads of pictures!


Millie said...

Hi Sarah

Your knee looks amazing.
Really looking forward to seeing you at school.

Lots of love


Unknown said...

Hi Sarah,

Good luck with your operation on Monday. Will be thinking of you.
Sorry for short message but trying to make it work.


Unknown said...

Hi Sarah,
Thank goodness we've made it work!!
Had forgotten password so couldn't send message. How amazing you are going to Disneyland. Wish I could go with you as I dont think my mum would like to go there! Maybe my dad might take us sometime!
Your knee looks fantastic!! Wont be able to keep up with you at hockey when you come back. You must be quite anxious about your operation so I wish you the best of luck. Any chance I can come and see you sometime?? Lots of love

x-ESTHER-x said...

Hello Sarah
I can't belive about the knee looks amazing though and really clever disneyland paris sound brilliant and today was your last day boohooboohoo i will miss you but yay yay we are in the same class and i need to sign your teeshirt haha only jokin x :)Good Luck with your operation and all hope it goes well and i will see you after the summer the pics were really funny today i hope you like our dance and haha "SARAHS MIRROR PAWS OFF!" school sounds good at the hospital and the knee thing sounds really heavey.

So anyway i will see you after the summer in our new class 7AS omgggggggggg ahhhh scareyyyyyy!!!!

Miss You



hullcitytigerfan said...

Hi Sarah

Was great to see you yesterday! i really hope your ok!

I hope you liked our Infaltable Gutair Rountine...I WANNA ROCK 'N' ROLL ALL NITE AND PARTY EVERY DAY!!

Hope you feel bettr!
