Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Sunday/Monday 20th/21st July 2008

This morning (Monday), because I still had a bad tummy, the nurses sent a sample off to the lab for testing in case i had a tummy bug, and they had to put me in an isolation room so I didn't pass any bugs on to anyone else!! Mum was pleased because it was quieter, and we had our own toilet and shower, but I am not allowed out of the room to go and play!! I felt ok, so I was a bit annoyed and very bored. My cousins Jo and Lucy came to see me on Sunday with Katie and Dad - they bought me a great pair of slippers and some yummy sweets. We went to the playroom before I was locked in my room and I went on the computer while they played pool with Katie.
The physio got me standing up again and I even managed to walk to the toilet on my frame today!!
Auntie Janice and Uncle Mike came to see me on Monday, and brought me a sequin picture to make. They saw me standing and walking to the toilet and they thought I was clever!!
Tomorrow the physio is going to make me walk on my crutches!! Still waiting for the sample results to come back so Monday was spent in my room again. Had a restless night, went to the loo 3 times, and had a pain in my leg. I had some medicine and managed to get to sleep.


Auntie Janice said...

Hi Hairy Melon. It was lovely to see you so smiley yesterday, keep it up!! Mum says that you can get around on your crutches already. That's fantastic! Don't start going too fast too quickly though, it frightens your Mum!!!
Lots of love, Auntie Jan xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey my special little cousin,
It was really good to see you on Sunday. You're always so smiley; it's so nice to see! Glad you liked your new slippers! They're very cool!!
I hear you've been whizzing around on your crutches again....be careful!!
Fingers crossed that you get to come home on Thursday if you're ok.
Lots of love to all of you, Jo xX

Pussycat said...

Hi Sarah
Its so good that you can stand up now and walk on your frame to the toilet!!!!!!!!!!!
You must be so bored that you cant go and talk to your friends at the hospital!!!!!!!!!
It was the last day today and at the leavers assembly i cried at everything!!!!!!!!!

Me,emma and sarah q are camping tomorrow it will be really funny to see sarah Q camping!!!!!!!