Friday, 23 January 2009

Friday 23rd January 2009

Everything has been ticking away quite nicely this week. Sarah is feeling well and full of energy - she's been at school all week, swimming on Monday night, Guides on Thursday doing Boxercise of all things!! She's been to a birthday party at the tenpin bowling alley and is now having a sleepover - normal service has been resumed!!Only thing missing is the walking! Still bumbling along on 2 crutches not in any hurry to do any more actually, but we seem to have got a bit used to it, and unfortunately, because Sarah is now used to it, she's quite happy. She is able to swim and go to school and parties and has even mastered stairs at school to go into the artroom instead of having her lessons by herself in the canteen.Because she hasn't been prevented from doing anything, the hoped for incentive to walk is yet to happen. On the plus side, the physio says she can now feel a muscle forming above Sarahs kneecap, so her exercises must be working.If we can build up enough muscle to hold her leg straight, she will hopefully be able to eventually take that first step and then she'll be off. Its almost as if she's forgotten how to walk a proper step with that leg.If we can train her brain, muscles etc to do the right movement again, then maybe we'll have success.In the meantime, we have to just carry on with the school run in the car instead of catching the bus with her friends, and shuffling slowly from the changing rooms at the swimming pool on the walking frame.Even a slip over on the wet floor at school yesterday didn't deter Sarah one bit. Quite happily she stayed at school, sat in the school wheelchair because she twisted her ankle, for the last 2 lessons!!What is the point in me banning the wheelchair at home, if all she has to do is say her ankle hurts for them to sit her in the emergency one at school!! Aaaaagggghhhh!!!!
We are in full swing in our organisation of Katie and Sarahs joint birthday party on 7th Feb. Sarah is mega-excited and her friends are too!I sorted my fancy dress costume out this week - you will have to wait for the photos to see what it is, but it should be great!!! 60 people are coming to this thing at the last count, so I am getting a bit jittery!! I'm sure it will be fine, but there is so much to do. All will be worth it as my 2 girls deserve a great night. Sarah for obvious reasons, and Katie too for being the greatest 18 year old ever.I hope they have fun!!

1 comment:

Rose said...

Hello you two - sounds like a good week! Getting up and down stairs at school major step forward - Rose has to miss all the lessons that don't happen on the ground floor at the moment! How rubbish is that... They ARE both going to get there it's just going to take a lot of time. Our physio says months and months more before she is walking without crutches and although I want it all to happen today in a way that takes the pressure and responsibility off me thinking I have to make it happen all by myself. Zoe you're doing amazingly - as you say no one knows apart from other families going through it and apart from all the worry about the future we are dealing with this massive disability thing. We are thinking of you always and get very worried if you don't post a blog for a while!! All our love xxxxxx