Thursday, 19 February 2009

Thursday 19th February 2009

Let me introduce you to Fudge! It was Sarah's 12th birthday yesterday and she got the hamster from Nanny and Grandad(thanks!) We picked him up on Sunday, Sarah named him Fudge because of his colour, but when we got him home we noticed he only had one ear!! I have therefore re-named him Vincent Van Fudge(as in Van Gogh) but Fudge has sort of stuck!!He is really sweet, but because he nipped Katie and I when he was being curious on Sunday when he was first held, Sarah won't hold him! He didn't hurt me, and he hasn't bitten anyone since but she's now scared! She lets him run around on her bed, but I have to be there to catch him if he gets a bit lively!!He keeps us up all night going round in his wheel - I have to take the wheel out of his cage when we go to bed or it squeeks away at 1 in the morning!!
She also got a new PINK mobile phone from us for her birthday and LOADS of money - we went for breakfast at Giraffe-full English and a fruit smoothie, YUM!! and then we went to the cinema to see the new Disney film Bolt in 3D-it was great and quite funny actually, but I would like to see an adult film for a change-I am Disney'd out!!!Anyway, half term has passed uneventfully, with Katie home, and sleeping mostly,but the weekend is a big one for her, with the coach of Katie's prospective University hockey team coming over from America to see her play to see if she will offer her a scholarship to go to North Carolina University-aaaagggghhhhh!!!I'm nervous for her, but I'm sure she will be fine! We are going out to dinner (chinese-mmmmmmm) on Saturday night so we need to be on our best behaviour!
Clinic with Maria is getting nearer(9th March) and now we have an appointment with Mr Pollock, Sarah's surgeon, on 5th March - don't like these appointments, and my breath will be held until we get out with the all clear for another 2 months. I'm sure it gets easier as time passes, but at the moment it is hell waiting for the date to come.I keep telling myself it will be OK - she has no pain, she says she feels fine, nothing hurts, but she felt fine last time. Fingers crossed all will be OK.

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Race for Life - 28th June 2009

Hi everyone,
Sarah and I have signed up to do the Race for Life in aid of Cancer Research on 28th June 2009 at Old Deer Park!! I have persuaded Sarah that by then she will be able to walk 5km, and she is going to give it a try!! If you want to sponsor me, click on the link below, and give generously!! Once I have raised my amount I will change the link to Sarahs so she can raise the same or more!!!!
Happy clicking, and thank you in advance!!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Wednesday 11th February 2009

What a great party we had!!! Still recovering, hence the delay in posting this blog!!
Spent all day Thursday and Friday last week preparing the house/putting up the marquee/going shopping, all in the freezing cold, and praying it wouldn't snow again! It was touch and go, we did have about 1 cm of snow overnight on Thursday so we woke up to the garden all being white again, but it melted just in time.Managed to get the patio heater inside the marquee, and although it was plastic, it didn't melt and warmed it up quite nicely!!!
Party got going around 7pm, and we finally went to bed at 2.45am, after a great night dancing, chatting and boozing (and that was just the kids.......!!) Sarah had a good time, and got LOADS of presents!!! She had 26 friends, all in fancy dress - great!! Total attendance - 75 people - no wonder I was stressed!! We are finally slowly getting the house back to normal, although Sarah is still grouchy as she is still a bit tired! So am I!! One good thing - we have enough booze left over to have another party! Might have to have a summer barbecue......if we ever get a summer ever again!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Monday 2nd February

Snow!!! Great excitement, no school (Yippee!!) and even slippery snow drifts didn't stop Sarah going out and enjoying herself today. We set off round the park with the sledge, with the intention of me pulling her round there so she didn't fall over, but it must have been the wrong type of snow because I could hardly move her!! So, not to be daunted, she got up, and walked round there, sticking to the fluffy snowy bits where her crutches were prevented from slipping by the shere volume of snow!! Got to the park and Emily and Sophie, our next door neighbours children, had a great time going up and down the hills on our sledge, and Sarah was wistfully looking on - so she asked for a turn. I was a bit worried about her falling off, so she went half way up the slope, and we pushed gently - and weeeeeeeee!! No accidents, no bruises, and a great time had by all. Glad its all melting now though, or either no one will turn up to the party Saturday as they're snowed in, or everyone will be inside - 75 people will be a bit cramped in my living room............!! More news on the party will follow Sunday - watch this space - if I have the energy to type then!!!!!